An image featuring the 6 of Pentacles (Reversed) tarot card from the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane. The card is placed upright against a light background and is accompanied by thematic objects: a gray and white feather lies beneath the card, and a spherical, patterned stone rests to its left. The card itself depicts several crows in flight above a figure dressed in black, against a tumultuous sea with six pentacles arranged in a downward triangle. Above the card, text in purple reads '6 of Pentacles (Reversed).' Below the card, additional text in purple boxes highlights the themes associated with this card: 'Inequity,' 'Debt,' 'One-Sided Charity.' A website credit is provided at the bottom: 2024.

Daily Reading for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

6 of Pentacles (Reversed) – The Inequity of One-Sided Charity

The Reading

Today’s theme revolves around the imbalance and inequity of one-sided charity, encapsulated by the reversed 6 of Pentacles card. It’s a topic I often find myself wrestling with, and I’m sure many of you can relate. We, empathetic souls with hearts of service, often struggle to avoid the pitfall of unbalanced giving.

It’s all too easy to fall into a pattern where others come to expect our continuous generosity without offering anything in return, whether they’re aware of it or not. As a result, this dynamic creates an inequity that can shift the power dynamics in our relationships. The power lies in these unspoken expectations.

So, as you navigate your day, I challenge you to take a moment to reflect on your relationships. Are you inadvertently setting up an unbalanced dynamic where someone expects you to give without receiving anything in return? I’m not referring to a simple thank you or words of appreciation, but rather consistent actions that help to rectify the imbalance and inequity of one-sided charity.

Our relationships are delicate and can be fickle if we don’t nurture them properly. Let’s make an effort to give them the care and attention they truly deserve.

With warm regards, Maggie

The Elements

Moon: 4% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Pyrite “Fool’s Gold” (Corrects Financial Imbalances, Encourage a Flow of Wealth), Malachite (Clears Out Negative Energy), and Amethyst (Provides Clarity and Calmness)

Essential Oils: Cedarwood (Ground and Stabilize, Provides Strength in Times of Imbalance), Frankincense (Spiritual Awakening, Balances Emotions), Myrrh (Releases Unhealthy Attachments and Fosters Peace and Well-Being)

Today’s Number: 9 (End of a Phase, Potential for Spiritual Awakening)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace balance and reciprocity in all aspects of my life, and I give and receive with grace and gratitude.”

