Daily Reading for January 9, 2024- 6 of Pentacles (Reversed)

An image featuring the 6 of Pentacles (Reversed) tarot card from the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane. The card is placed upright against a light background and is accompanied by thematic objects: a gray and white feather lies beneath the card, and a spherical, patterned stone rests to its left. The card itself depicts several crows in flight above a figure dressed in black, against a tumultuous sea with six pentacles arranged in a downward triangle. Above the card, text in purple reads '6 of Pentacles (Reversed).' Below the card, additional text in purple boxes highlights the themes associated with this card: 'Inequity,' 'Debt,' 'One-Sided Charity.' A website credit is provided at the bottom: OldeCrowTarot.com 2024.

Daily Reading for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

6 of Pentacles (Reversed) – The Inequity of One-Sided Charity

The Reading

Today’s theme revolves around the imbalance and inequity of one-sided charity, encapsulated by the reversed 6 of Pentacles card. It’s a topic I often find myself wrestling with, and I’m sure many of you can relate. We, empathetic souls with hearts of service, often struggle to avoid the pitfall of unbalanced giving.

It’s all too easy to fall into a pattern where others come to expect our continuous generosity without offering anything in return, whether they’re aware of it or not. As a result, this dynamic creates an inequity that can shift the power dynamics in our relationships. The power lies in these unspoken expectations.

So, as you navigate your day, I challenge you to take a moment to reflect on your relationships. Are you inadvertently setting up an unbalanced dynamic where someone expects you to give without receiving anything in return? I’m not referring to a simple thank you or words of appreciation, but rather consistent actions that help to rectify the imbalance and inequity of one-sided charity.

Our relationships are delicate and can be fickle if we don’t nurture them properly. Let’s make an effort to give them the care and attention they truly deserve.

With warm regards, Maggie

The Elements

Moon: 4% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Pyrite “Fool’s Gold” (Corrects Financial Imbalances, Encourage a Flow of Wealth), Malachite (Clears Out Negative Energy), and Amethyst (Provides Clarity and Calmness)

Essential Oils: Cedarwood (Ground and Stabilize, Provides Strength in Times of Imbalance), Frankincense (Spiritual Awakening, Balances Emotions), Myrrh (Releases Unhealthy Attachments and Fosters Peace and Well-Being)

Today’s Number: 9 (End of a Phase, Potential for Spiritual Awakening)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace balance and reciprocity in all aspects of my life, and I give and receive with grace and gratitude.”



Daily Reading for January 8, 2024 – The Fool (Reversed)

Image of a tarot card reading setup with 'The Fool' card in reverse position, placed against a light tan surface. A large dark feather and two stones, one with bands of blue, known as Labradorite, and the other black, known as Black Obsidian, are arranged above and below the card. Text overlaid on the image reads 'The Fool (Reversed)' at the top and 'Hesitation, Recklessness, Missed Opportunities' at the bottom. A watermark states 'OldeCrowTarot.com 2024' and credits the card design to 'Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane'. The text refers to this photo and discusses the idea of being emboldened.

Daily Reading for Monday, January 8, 2024

The Fool (Reversed) – Be Emboldened

The Reading

Let’s dive into the theme of “Emboldened” in today’s reading. To begin with, a quick search defines it as having the courage and confidence to take action in a certain way. Today, The Fool (Reversed) card reminds us not to be emboldened in a reckless manner; instead, it calls for caution and self-reflection. So, balance, my friends, is the recurring theme in many of my readings.

Imagine it like the Speed Limit. My dear grandpa, Bud, once got pulled over for driving too slowly, impeding traffic, and putting others at risk. In the long run, he got a traffic ticket, much to his chagrin. On the flip side, there are those who are so emboldened that they ignore the posted limits and speed recklessly, endangering themselves and everyone around them.

Life, my dear ones, isn’t about moving too sluggishly, missing out on opportunities. Nor is it about racing ahead so fast that you fail to appreciate the beauty along the way. I encourage you to be emboldened to find a speed that’s neither dangerously slow nor recklessly fast. In summary, find a pace where you can savor the journey and discover fulfillment.

With love and light, Maggie

The Elements

Moon: 8% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Black Obsidian (Grounding, Dispell Negativity, Encouraging Self-Awareness, Wise Decision-Making), Labradorite (Enhance Intuition and Self-Discovery, Promotes Sense of Adventure and Open-Mindedness)

Essential Oils: Cypress (Encourages Inner Strength and Adaptability, Aides in Overcoming Hesitation and Fear), Neroli (Self-Acceptance, Optimism, Emotional Balance, Helps Embrace New Beginnings)

Today’s Number: 1 (New Beginnings, Leadership, Independence) and 8 (Abundance and Achievement)

Daily Mantra: “I trust in my inner wisdom and embrace change with caution and courage.”


Ready to explore your own Tarot reading? Click Here to book your personalized session and uncover the insights that await you!


Tarot Card Credit: @crowtarotmjcullinane

Daily Reading for January 7, 2024 – Ten of Swords (Upright)

The image displays a tarot card called "Ten of Swords (Upright)" from the Crow Tarot deck by MJ Cullinane. The card is adorned at the to the right with a large, brown feather to the right, which runs vertically. A polished black spherical stone, Black Obsidian, at the bottom of the feather and right of the tarot card creating a decorative element. The artwork on the card shows ten swords lined up vertically against a dark and tumultuous sky, with crows flying in the background, and a silhouette of a crow laying on the ground, suggesting a somber or concluding scene. Text below the card reads "End of a Difficult or Painful Situation, Fresh Start, Opportunity for Healing and Transformation," offering an interpretation of the card's symbolism. The bottom of the image cites the website "OldeCrowTarot.com 2024" as a source, and credits the card to the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane, possibly indicating the year the image or the deck was published.

Daily Reading for Sunday, January 7, 2024

Ten of Swords (Upright) – Being Focused on a Fresh Start in the Midst of Chaos

The Reading

Story Time

In the End

This story is meant to illustrate that we often overlook physical or emotional discomfort in the whirlwind of life. Therefore, the Ten of Swords serves as a gentle reminder that you hold the power to embark on a fresh start, much like the characters in those captivating stories, sans selling everything and going it alone. Rather, it encourages you to pause, engage in self-reflection, and commence the transformative healing journey.

Therefore, I encourage you to take a moment to pause, akin to the characters in “Wild” or “Into the Wild.” Tune in to the whispers of your heart. Embrace the prospect of renewal, for it marks the initial step towards embracing the idea of a rejuvenating new beginning.

With warmth and unwavering encouragement,

The Elements

Moon: 15% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Black Obsidian (Helps Release Negativity and Gains Self-Awareness)

Essential Oils: Lavender (Relaxation, Emotional Balance, and Aides in the Healing Process)

Today’s Number: 2 (Balance, Cooperation, and Partnership)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace the lessons learned from challenges and look forward to a new beginning filled with healing and growth.”



Daily Reading for January 6, 2024

The image features a tarot card from the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane, named "Two of Wands (Upright)". The card is placed upright and is topped with a decorative arrangement consisting of two large feathers flanking a bright orange stone called, Carnelian. The tarot card depicts two crows standing confidently on a battlement with two wands on either side and a dynamic, fiery backdrop. Additional text on the image includes "Sense of Personal Power, Ambition, Taking Initiative for Long-Term Goals and Opportunities." The source or creator's website, "OldeCrowTarot.com 2024", is indicated at the bottom. The card defines the message of rediscovering dreams  by embracing passion and ambition on the journey of self-discovery.

Daily Reading for Saturday, January 6, 2024

Two of Wands (Upright) – Rediscovering Dreams: Embracing Passion and Ambition on the Journey of Self-Discovery

The Reading

What do you dream of becoming when you grow up? As for me, I’m still on that journey of self-discovery. It’s funny how our enthusiasm as seven-year-olds for various professions can change over the years. Yet, I began to mute my passions and aspirations somewhere along the way. Particularly, I believe, it was out of fear of being ridiculed for failure after being too vocal about my dreams. If you had told me just three years ago that I’d be reading Tarot, not only for myself but for real people, I would have probably laughed, added a sarcastic comment, and dismissed the idea entirely. Yet, deep inside, I would have been awed and endlessly curious.

But you know what? I quietly started reading Tarot, first for close family and friends and then for the public. Feeling like an impostor is natural when you’re just starting out. However, the key is that I began. The upright Two of Wands encourages us to rediscover our enthusiasm, empower ourselves to pursue long-term goals and seize opportunities. Add a dash of ambition, and the possibilities become boundless.

With determination and the proper perspective, we can all embark on our unique journeys of self-discovery and growth.

With love and awe, Maggie

The Elements

Moon: 24% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Carnelian (Boosts Motivation and Creativity, Enhances Drive to Achieve Goals)

Essential Oils: Cedarwood (Promotes Confidence and Focus, Aides in Making Important Decisions)

Today’s Number: 1 (New Beginnings, Independence, Leadership)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace my inner strength and seize the opportunities before me, confidently stepping into my future.”


Ready to explore your own Tarot reading? Click Here to book your personalized session and uncover the insights that await you!


Tarot Card Credit: @crowtarotmjcullinane

Daily Reading for January 5, 2024 – Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

The image shows a tarot card titled "Page of Pentacles (Reversed)" which is part of a deck named Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane, as indicated by the text at the bottom. The card is pinned to a wall, upside down, with a large feather placed over its top left corner, partially covering the card. In front of the card, there is a circular, reflective stone called, Labradorite. The artwork on the card depicts a crow standing upside down on a branch, with a pentacle coin at its feet and apples hanging from the branch. Additional text on the image reads "Lack of Focus, Missed Opportunities, Financial Immaturity," suggesting interpretations of the card's meaning when drawn in a reversed position. The website "OldeCrowTarot.com 2024" is mentioned, indicating the source or creator's online presence and the year, possibly when the image or the tarot deck was made or published. This image is part of the reading that discusses negative meanings and how to navigate to the positive assumptions.

Daily Reading for Friday, January 5, 2024

Page of Pentacles (Reversed): Negative Meanings and How to Navigate to Positive Assumptions

The Reading

One of the things I tell my clients when I read Tarot for them is to avoid immediately associating the card’s meanings with negativity. Therefore, I guide my clients away from thinking about the negative meanings and encourage them to navigate their minds toward positive assumptions. It can be easier said than done, as humans tend to have preconceived notions about particular words.

For example, take the Page of Pentacles (Reversed) and its association with “immaturity in financial matters.” At first glance, it might sound like a criticism of one’s financial skills. However, I encourage you to withhold judgment until we explore the full reading. Imagine this card as an invitation to something new – like the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency. If you’re unfamiliar with it, instead of viewing “immaturity” negatively, see it as a chance to embark on a positive learning experience. We all start somewhere; this is your starting point with a positive mindset.

Now, let’s consider a situation where the card suggests a “lack of focus and missed opportunities.” Instead of immediately assuming it’s a negative judgment on your focus, let’s turn the situation around. Maybe you haven’t needed to focus on this particular aspect of your life before. While it may seem like a missed opportunity, could it be that the timing wasn’t right?

There’s a beautiful country song by Garth Brooks called “Unanswered Prayers.” It reminds us that some of life’s greatest blessings come when our prayers remain unanswered.

Dear ones, I encourage you to start each reading with a presumption of positive intent. Let’s steer away from harsh judgments and focus on the potential for growth and learning in every card’s message.

Go in peace and positivity,

The Elements

Moon: 33% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Labradorite (Promotes Self-Awareness and Helps with Decision-Making)

Essential Oils: Patchouli (Encourages Grounding and Self-Reflection)

Today’s Number: 9 (Completion, Wisdom, Humanitarianism)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace opportunities for growth and learning, unlocking my potential in all aspects of life.”



Daily Reading for January 4, 2024 – The Hanged Man (Reversed)

In the reversed Hanged Man tarot card, you see a crow with its wings stretched behind, raising one leg. Above the crow, there are vibrant red poppies growing towards it, instead of hanging below. The crow stands firmly on a flowering tree branch rather than hanging from it. To the left of the card, there is a representation of amethyst, while to the right, you'll find selenite. The card is labeled with the caption "The Hanged Man (Reversed)" and a description that reads, "Release From a Period of Suspension or Stagnation." This suggests that one move on, gain fresh perspective, or journey with one's friends or kindred spirits. Additionally, there are identifiers for the source, "OldeCrowTarot.com," and the card's origin, "Card: Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane." The background of the image is beige.

The Hanged Man (Reversed)

The Reading – Move Forward and Gain Fresh Perspectives With Friends and Kindred Spirits

Life is a tapestry of significant events, and right now, it feels like we’re in the midst of one. Perhaps it’s the dawn of a new year, or maybe it’s the phase of the moon guiding us. Whatever it may be, it’s a moment when we can harness our focus and move forward.

The Hanged Man (Reversed) Tarot card speaks of breaking free from the bonds that have held us in suspension or stagnation. It signifies our readiness to step into the next chapter of our lives. Along this journey, we’ll gain fresh perspectives, leaving behind the delays and uncertainties that once plagued us. We’re prepared to take that next big leap.

Yesterday, our message centered on love and the power of words in strengthening our bonds. While we can certainly navigate life’s journey alone, there’s something profoundly beautiful about sharing it with those who resonate with us.

Allow me to share a personal experience. When I was 16, I embarked on a journey to Germany with a group of unfamiliar faces. It was a whirlwind of firsts – from flying to culture shock, and even discovering the wonders of curry ketchup. As a curious soul, I couldn’t wait to spread my wings, even if just for a brief escape from the nest. The adventure was incredible, but amid the excitement, I found myself longing to share it with my mom, dad, and occasionally, my younger brother.

The point I want to make is that solo adventures can be amazing, but the magic truly intensifies when you have someone to share those moments with. So, as you move forward, consider embarking on this journey with a friend or a kindred spirit. Some of my fondest memories are intertwined with the presence of friends.

May your path be smooth and brimming with fulfillment.

With warmth,

The Elements

Moon: 44% Waning Crescent

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Amethyst (Spiritual Growth), Selenite (Mental Clarity), Larimar (Letting Go Of Attachments, Move Forward)

Essential Oils: Frankinscense (Clarity, Insight), Myrrh (Release, Transformation), Bergamot (Optimism, Balance)

Today’s Number: 7 (Introspection, Spirituality, Seeking Inner Wisdom)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace the wisdom gained from my past challenges and move forward with clarity and purpose.”



Daily Reading for January 3, 2024

The Lovers (Upright) tarot card depicts two Crows standing face-to-face with their heads touching. There is a caption that states, "The Lovers (Upright)," and another that says, "Love, Harmony, Choices, Partnership." Lastly, there is a identifier that states, "OldeCrowTarot.com," and "Card: Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane."

The Lovers (Upright)

The Daily Reading – Regarding Love and Relationships

Today’s tarot card, The Lovers (Upright), delves into matters of the heart. In our previous reading, we touched upon the significance of nurturing our relationships. The universe is reinforcing this message by putting love at the forefront today.

It’s all too easy to take our relationships for granted, especially those closest to us, the ones we rely on day in and day out. I come from a stoic Scandinavian background, where love was often implied rather than explicitly expressed. There was a constant undercurrent of uncertainty about how a family member truly felt about another.

So, today, I invite you to take a bold step. Tell someone near and dear to your heart that you love them. Go a step further and let them know just how much you appreciate them, providing a specific example or two. I can assure you that people never tire of hearing how much they mean to someone else. We shouldn’t have to rely on intuition to decipher someone’s feelings toward us. Likewise, we shouldn’t expect others to do the same for us.

I understand that uttering these words may feel challenging at first, but remember, like any skill, it gets easier with practice. Those individuals you’ve chosen to have in your life deserve to know exactly how you feel about them. That’s why I want to take this moment to express my appreciation and love for you, dear one. You are valued just as you are.

With love, hope, and positivity,

The Elements

Moon: Last Quarter

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Rose Quartz (Unconditional Love), Emerald (Harmonious Relationships), Rhondonite (Empathy and Forgiveness)

Essential Oils: Rose (Love and Passion), Lavender (Harmony and Balance), Ylang Ylang (Sensuality and Emotional Connection)

Today’s Number: 6 (Love, Harmony, Family, Responsibility)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace love and harmony in all my relationships, making choices from the heart.”


Ready to explore your own Tarot reading? Click Here to book your personalized session and uncover the insights that await you!


Tarot Card Credit: @crowtarotmjcullinane

Daily Reading for January 2, 2024

10 of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Reading

Happy New Year, beautiful souls!

As we transition back to our regular routines after the holiday season’s excesses and family gatherings, we often come face-to-face with how this time of year affects our finances and relationships. As a result, it is a time when the reversed 10 of Pentacles tarot card’s themes resonate. This card suggests that now might be the ideal moment to address these crucial aspects of our lives.

Just as many people make resolutions to improve their physical health, today presents an opportunity to go on a financial diet and mend any rifts in our relationships. Take a moment as you navigate through this day to set up a fund for giving, such as a savings account or “Christmas Club” for next year, and reach out to someone with whom your connection might need a little TLC. Challenge yourself to make both financial and relationship resolutions as you step into this new year.

In the spirit of friendship and love,

The Elements

Moon: 63% Waning Gibbous

Astrological Sun Sign: Capricorn (December 22-January 19) “Capricornus – “The Sea-Goat”

Crystals: Red Jasper (Stability and Family Bonds), Black Obsidian (Clearing Negative Energies), and Citrine (Prosperity and Abundance)

Essential Oils: Cedarwood (Grounding and Family Harmony), Patchouli (Wealth Attraction), and Cypress (Transition and Change)

Today’s Number: 5 (Change, Adaptability, Freedom, and Exploration)

Daily Mantra: “I embrace change and seek harmony within my family and finances.”


Ready to explore your own Tarot reading? Click Here to book your personalized session and uncover the insights that await you!


Tarot Card Credit: @crowtarotmjcullinane

Welcoming the New Year with Gratitude and Joy – 2024

Happy 2024!

As we step into this brand new year, I send my most sincere and heartfelt well wishes to each and every one of you. May 2024 be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.

With all my love,



New Year Tarot Spread-2024

Here’s a New Year Tarot Spread that you can use for insight and guidance as you enter the new year. This spread is designed to provide you with a holistic view of the year ahead and help you set intentions for various aspects of your life.

  • The Year’s Theme (Center Card): Represents the overarching theme or energy that will define your year ahead.This card sets the tone for the entire year.
  • Personal Growth and Self-Discovery (Card 1): What aspect of your personal growth and self-discovery will be most important for you in the coming year? This card offers insight into your inner journey.
  • Love and Relationships (Card 2): What can you expect in your love life and relationships in the new year? This card provides guidance on matters of the heart.
  • Career and Finances (Card 3): What opportunities or challenges will you face in your career and financial life during the year ahead? This card sheds light on your professional and financial path.
  • Health and Well-Being (Card 4): How can you maintain and improve your physical and mental well-being throughout the year? This card offers advice on health and self-care.
  • Creativity and Inspiration (Card 5): What creative endeavors or sources of inspiration will be important for you in the upcoming year? This card guides your artistic and imaginative pursuits.
  • Personal Relationships (Card 6): How can you strengthen your relationships with family and close friends in the new year? This card provides insights into your connections with loved ones.
  • Challenges to Overcome (Card 7): What obstacles or challenges might you encounter in the year ahead, and how can you navigate them successfully? This card offers guidance on dealing with difficulties.
  • Opportunities to Seize (Card 8): What exciting opportunities or blessings may come your way during the year? This card helps you identify areas where you can flourish.
  • Final Thoughts and Advice (Card 9): Draw one final card to receive overall advice or a message from your higher self or intuition as you embark on the journey of the new year.

Crystals: Amethyst (Intuition and Spiritual Growth), Clear Quartz (Amplifies Energies of Intention and Insight), Selenite (Purifying and Protective Properties), Rose Quartz (Love and Compassion), Citrine (Abundance and Positive Energy)

Essential Oils: Frankincense (Grounding and Spiritual Properties), Lavender (Relaxation and Clarity of Mind), Sandalwood (Spiritual Awareness and Meditation), Cedarwood (Stability and Strength), Orange (Uplifting and Invigorating)

May the New Year overflow with blessings and fulfillment.

In light and love, Maggie


Ready to explore your own Tarot reading? Click Here to book your personalized session and uncover the insights that await you!